Tag: C
Doubly Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Problem Statement: Write a Menu driven program for Doubly Linked List with following functionality-
i. Insert node at Beginning
ii. Insert node at End
Move last element to front of a given Linked List
Move last element to front of a given Linked List
Problem statement: Given a Singly linked list, move the last element to the front of...
Circular Linked List
In Circular Linked list any node can be the starting point.
The last node points to the head node. It can be used in understanding...
Conditional Flow Control Structures in C
Conditional Flow Control Structures in C
There may be a situation where we have to choose one of the alternative paths depending upon the result...
Count the triplets in C
Count the triplets in C
Problem statement: Given an Array of distinct integers, count all the triplets such that the sum of two elements equals...
Print Inversions in an array in C
Print Inversions in an array in C
Problem statement: Print Inversions in an array. In an array two elements a and a form an inversion...
Arrange data in alphabetical order in C
Arrange student data in alphabetical order in C
Problem Statement: Arrange student data in alphabetical order in C
Student struct is used as a user-defined data...